Saturated Fat Reduces Children’s Allergies and Trans Fats Increase Them

FROM: www.Dr.

A team of researches from Finland have found that diet may play a role in the increased incidence of allergies.

Their study found that children who eventually developed allergies ate less butter and more margarine compared with children who did not develop allergies. The allergic children also tended to eat less fish, although this dietary difference was less significant.

The study is not the first to suggest that certain types of fatty acids may play a role in the onset of allergic diseases. Polyunsaturated fats like those in margarine are thought to promote the formation of prostaglandin E2, a substance that promotes inflammation and causes the immune system to release a protein that triggers allergic reactions.

Thier results support the hypothesis that the quality of the fat consumed in the diet is important for the development of allergic diseases in children, try making healthy stovetop popcorn for them.

The possibility of preventing allergic diseases by supplementation or by changing the fatty acid composition of the diet of young children remains to be tested by clinical trials.

Allergy 2001;56:425-428


If you are not yet aware of the dangers of trans fat please read Dr. Mary Enig’s excellent article on this issue.

There are many influences and explanations for the observed increased in asthma in western cultures.

The hygiene hypothesis and the use of drugs like Tylenol to control fevers are clearly important contributing factors.

Diet also plays a major role here. Removing sugars and foods that turn to sugar quickly (all juices, grains, breads, cereals and potatoes) along with stopping milk is also another way to effectively reduce asthma.

Fats are another factor.

Modulation of the omega 3 to 6 ratio and exclusion of dangerous fats like the trans fats found in margarines and most all pastry goods is also important to minimize the risk of asthma.

I am a big fan of using natural fish oils like cod liver oil if tolerated. This is because they also have vitamin D and vitamin A and the EPA and the DHA in the proper ratios. Taking this oil in the winter for most is even more essential for maximizing health.

Vitamin D is the only nutrient that may be needed by breast fed babies as it is often not really transferred adequately through breast milk. The baby normally would make his or her own vitamin D by having his skin exposed to sunshine. If this is not happening then it will be wise to consider supplementing with cod liver oil, which will also have benefits for brain development.