Biotics’ newest product that research shows slows down the aging processes.




A group of Harvard researchers wanted to know if resveratrol can help us live longer, healthier lives. So they took a group of middle-aged mice and fed half of them a terrible junk food diet. To make sure it was the worst diet possible, 60% of the calories came from fat – including trans fats!

As you can imagine, these mice became overweight – and developed a long list of health problems. Problems like bloated livers, insulin resistance, and strained cardiovascular systems. It’s no surprise the mice all died prematurely.

Now here’s the amazing part. The researchers took the other half of the mice and fed them the same exact diet at the same exact time. But in addition to the horrible diet, these mice were given resveratrol.

Result: these mice became overweight, too. But they looked healthy and their organs functioned as normally as thin mice eating a regular diet! Even more amazing, the resveratrol-fed mice ended up living up to 15% longer than normal. In human terms, it’s like adding another 11 years to your life!

But that’s not all. The Harvard researchers decided to put the overweight resveratrol mice through endurance tests against normal, thin mice. Guess who performed better?

The overweight mice had twice the stamina and agility as the thin mice! Now that’s incredible.

Why did these overweight mice perform so much better? Because resveratrol increases your blood flow and charges your muscles with energy.

In another study, done by the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology, researchers put mice on treadmills and measured how far they’d run before collapsing. The average mouse was able to run for 1 kilometer. But mice fed resveratrol were able to run 2 kilometers!

So not only does resveratrol help you live longer, it also gives you more energy to enjoy it!

How it Works?

As you probably know, mitochondria are the little furnaces inside your cells. Mitochondria burn nutrients and fats into energy. The more energy your body produces, the faster your metabolism. And a faster metabolism helps you burn unnecessary fats before they get stored in your body and affect your health.

Unfortunately, as we age, our mitochondria begin to deteriorate and our metabolism begins to slow.

The good news is that resveratrol increases mitochondria production. How does it do it? Resveratrol activates a special protein called SIRT-1. And SIRT-1 creates mitochondria.

And by doing so, it increases your energy, helps you maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy blood sugar, and protects your liver.

Support for a Healthy Heart

Since it’s a potent antioxidant, esveratrol directly supports your heart too. Studies show that resveratrol can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and support your heart and cardiovascular systems.

It does this in two important ways:

First, resveratrol maintains good blood flow and circulation. And second, resveratrol increases your nitric oxide levels. You may remember nitric oxide helps relax artery walls so blood flows more freely. This discovery is so important, it was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1998.

Nitric oxide is not only good for your heart, it also increases blood flow to your brain. This keeps nerve cells in your brain healthy. Your body naturally produces nitric oxide from a common amino acid in your diet called L-arginine. But sometimes, that’s not enough. Resveratrol helps you maintain a healthier heart and better blood flow by boosting your nitric oxide levels.

Amazing what Mother Nature puts in a tiny grape, isn’t it?

Even More Remarkable Health Benefits

If you need any more proof that resveratrol lowers your health risks, take a look at the latest research breakthroughs:

* Researchers at the University of Missouri show resveratrol reduces oxidative stress in nerve cells and may protect against age-related nerve changes.

* At Wright State University School of Medicine, researchers show resveratrol inhibited an enzyme that may lead to less-than-optimal artery function.

* Researchers in Japan show that rats consuming wine compounds for eight weeks maintained healthy blood pressure.

* Lastly, one study shows resveratrol did a better job than Pepto-Bismol in combating three strains of bacteria that cause diarrhea. (Make sure you take it with you when you travel!)

How Does Resveratrol Do All This?

Plants make resveratrol in response to stress like drought, lack of nutrients, and fungus infection. It’s the plant’s own natural defense system. In fact, wine from grapes grown in harsh conditions contains more resveratrol than those produced in milder climates.

You can get resveratrol by eating grapes or drinking red wine. But you’d have to consume several gallons a day to get the kind of benefits found in the studies.

That’s why my friends at Advanced Bionutritionals created Advanced Resveratrol Formula. Each small dose is jam-packed with enough resveratrol to equal hundreds of glasses of red wine!