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SKU: 5229 Category:

L-Carnitine is a non-essential amino acid and has 300 mg per capsule. Occasionally the body may not synthesize enough L-Carnitine thereby causing some metabolic problems. L-Carnitine promotes energy by the process of beta-oxidation of fats in the cell mitochondria.

You can use this product with elevated blood fats, cardiac stress, liver degeneration and cirrhosis, low carbohydrate diets where the patient is unable to lose weight, muscle fatigue, senile dementia, reduced muscle mass, and low sperm motility. It enhances the antioxidant effects of vitamin C and E. Take one to two capsules, three times a day with meals. With low carbohydrate diets where the person does not go into ketosis on 60 grams or less of carbohydrates per day, use L-Carnitine at four capsules three times a day with meals until ketosis is initiated. Carnitine is the amino acid that is responsible for initiating ketosis in the liver and kidneys.

You will find Carnitine deficiency primarily in vegetarians. It's not readily available except in red meat. We use L-Carnitine with CoQ-Zyme 30 in some of our athletes to reduce the physiological stress on the heart.

L-Carnitine may also be important for healthy brain function, since it appears to influence the metabolism of several neurotransmitters-chemicals that facilitate the sending of signals from one nerve fiber to another.




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