Platinum (Pt)

Pt – Platinum is found in igneous rocks at 0.005 ppm and land animals at 0.002 ppm.

Soc. Sci. Med. Vol.29, No. 8. 1989

Geology, Trace Elements and Health
Harry V. Warren

Platinum and Cancer

Cisplatin and more recently carboplatin are compounds that have been effective in treating some cancers. (Unhappily the resulting side effects have been so devastating as to make both quite unacceptable.)

The Johnson Matthey Research Center reports that over 2000 analogues of cisplatin have now been screened and that many research groups are now trying to identify a third generation drug which will be as effective as cisplatin but not have its unacceptable side effects.

We have suggested that platinum in honeybee pollen might be present in a form harmless to humans but still acceptable in cancer treatment. We have found platinum in one plant in British Columbia (Ergonium ovalifolium) but it grows at elevations over 5000 ft, elevations at which honey bees do not appear to function effectively in British Columbia. We have tried to obtain pollen from the Sudbury area of Ontario. Pollen from a locality 10 miles away from Sudbury was found to contain 6 ppb (dry weight) of platinum. We are now trying to obtain pollen with larger amounts of platinum from Rustenburg Platinum Mines and Impala Platinum Limited in South Africa, and also from the U.S.A.

To the best of our knowledge the use of platinum in honeybee pollen has not been investigated for cancer treatment. In honeybee pollen from the Tulumeen area of British Columbia we found from 2 to 4 ppm (dry weight) of platinum. Animal testing will begin shortly.

NOTE: The point that the researcher here is apparently making is that if the Platinum was in a less toxic form where the human body could tolerate this treatment protocol, you could use a lesser dosage and still have effectiveness as a cancer treatment.