FLATULENCE is almost always a sign of either maldigestion or food intolerance. When combined with bad breath and tiredness after meals, inadequate stomach acid (HCL) is the typical cause.

Pre-Disposing Factors:

a. Biliary stasis/insufficiency.

b. Hypochlorhydria.

c. Pancreatic insufficiency.

d. Bacterial imbalance in the colon.

e. Food sensitivity.

Dietary Suggestions:

a. Sip 1 mouthful of distilled or filtered water every 30 minutes while awake, drink more if you are perspiring.

b. Eliminate all hydrogenated fats and oils. Eat extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and fish oils as your only dietary source of oils.

c. Eliminate refined carbohydrates, fried foods, and canned and processed foods.

d. If low HCL in the stomach is suspect, reduce red meat to not more than twice a week.

e. Increase raw food in the diet.

f. If food sensitivity is suspected, eliminate all dairy products and gluten-containing grains.


Primary Nutrients:

1. BIO-MULTI PLUS Iron Free – 1 tablet, 3 times daily after meals.

2. BIO-C PLUS 1000 – 1 tablet, 3 times daily after meals.

3. M S M POWDER – 1/2 teaspoonful 2 to 4 times daily depending on the severity of sts/Doms. NOTE: Always take MSM with your Vitamin C.

4. BIOMEGA-3 – 4 capsules, once daily after a meal.

Specific Nutrients: When symptoms or condition begins to subside, gradually, as needed, wean yourself from the Specific Nutrients & stay on the Primary Nutrients. If any symptoms re-occur resume taking Specific Nutrients.

5. HYDRO-ZYME – 2 to 3 tablets with each meal. If needed, increase by one tablet per meal every 3 days until gas and bloating are relieved.

6. BETA TCP – 2 tablets with each meal. NOTE: If you have light or clay colored stools, are constipated, or have had your gall bladder removed, use BETA-PLUS in lieu of Beta TCP.

7. COLON PLUS CAPS – 6 capsules at bedtime with full glass of water for about 2 weeks or so or until the bloating ceases.

8. LACTOZYME – 10 tablets at bedtime until 1 bottle is taken.


Flatulence may be perfectly natural and something that everyone gets, but if you have more than your share, it’s a major annoyance.

Where does all that gas come from, anyway? Often, it comes from swallowing air. It’s also generated by intestinal bacteria that produce carbon dioxide and hydrogen (both odorless, by the way) in the course of breaking down carbohydrates and proteins in the food you eat. The minute quantities of other, more pungent gases gives flatus its characteristic odor. Eating certain foods, like peas, beans, and certain grains produces noticeably more gas than eating other foods. All roughages in the diet will produce flatulence. A high roughage diet, especially, will do this. When increasing dietary fiber in your diet, do so gradually. This will lessen the increase of flatus. Gas may signal a variety of other problems worth looking into:

* Lactose intolerance (inability to properly digest milk, cheese, and other dairy products).
* Bacterial overgrowth in the intestines (often caused by certain antibiotics).
* Abnormal muscle contraction in the colon.

Self-Care Tips

Common sense says eliminating food items that often cause gas (or eating them in small quantities) can go a long way toward reducing excess flatulence. Well-known offenders include:

Apples, Apricots, Beans (dried, cooked), Bran, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Dairy products (for persons allergic to lactose), Eggplant, Nuts, Onions, Peaches, Pears, Popcorn, Prunes, Raisins, Sorbitol, Soybean.

[Note: Eliminate or go easy on only the foods that affect you personally. With the exception of sorbitol, these foods listed provide nutrients, so should not be cut out altogether.]

* Keep a list of all of the foods you eat for a few days and note when and the number of times you have gas. If you notice that you have excess gas after drinking milk, for example, try cutting down on it or eliminate it from your diet. See if the flatulence persists. Do the same for other suspecting foods.
* If you are lactose-intolerant use lactose-reduced dairy foods or add an over-the-counter lactose-enzyme product such as Lactaid. These can be drops or tablets that you add to or consume with dairy products to help you digest the lactose they contain.
* Avoid swallowing air at mealtimes.


Diet: Do not overeat. Over consumption, even of healthy food, is the most common cause of FLATULENCE. Eat simpler meals, meaning less different food items at one sitting. Chew food more slowly and thoroughly. Consume less low-fiber and more high-fiber foods. Identify and avoid allergic or intolerant foods. You may try avoiding protein and carbohydrates eaten together at meals. Try chewing a sprig of parsley after meals.

If eating beans, soaking them overnight in a quart of water containing six drops of iodine may help reduce gas, if you continue to have problem we encourage you to contact the bloating brooklyn ny support.

Add more fermented products such as real cultured yogurt and kefir milk to the general diet.

Leon Chaitow, M.D., D.O., suggests the European method of using super fine white, green, or yellow French clay (similar to bentonite). A teaspoon or two is dissolved in spring water and drunk, at least once a day away from mealtimes to reduce the tendency to FLATULENCE. The clay absorbs the impurities and gas and there are no reported side effects.