Sulfur (S)

S – Sulfur is found in igneous rocks at 260 ppm; shale at 2,400 ppm; sandstone at 240 ppm, limestone 1,200 ppm; fresh water at 3.7 ppm; sea water at 885 ppm; soils at 700 ppm (up to 90 % of soil S is bound tightly in humus; SO4 is a major exchange anion in many soils; occurs in soils near volcanoes liberating SO2 and SO3); marine plants at 12,000 ppm (accumulates in red algae, Desmarestia spp.); Land plants at 3,400 ppm (lower in most bryophytes and gymnosperms); marine animals at 5,000 to 19,000 ppm (highest in coelenterates and mollusks); land animals at 5,000 ppm (highest in cartilage, tendons, keratin, skin, nails and hair – lowest in bones).

Sulfur is an important structural atom in most proteins as sulfur amino acids (cystine, cysteine and methionone) and small organic molecules. Glutathione, a tripeptide containing cysteine, is essential to cellular reactions involving sulfur amino acids in protein. Sulfur is found in a reduced form GSH) in cysteine and in an oxidized form (-S-S-) as the double molecule, cystine. This “sulfhydryl group” is important for the specific configuration of some structural proteins and for the biological activities of some enzymes (proteins that do work).

Sulfur containing proteins work in indirect ways to maintain life:

  • Hemoglobin
  • Hormones (Insulin, adrenal cortical hormones)
  • Enzymes
  • Antibodies

Sulfur also occurs in carbohydrates such as heparin, an anticoagulant that is concentrated in the liver and other tissues, and chondroltin sulfate (cartilage, Knox gelatin). The vitamins thiamin (B1) and biotin have Sulfur bound in their molecule.

Deficiency of sulfur results in degenerative types of arthritis involving degeneration of cartilage, ligaments, tendons, Systemic Lupus Erythematosis, Sickle cell anemia and various “collagen diseases.”

Sulfur is a non-metal element essential for life. The body contains 140 grams of sulfur, primarily in the form of the sulfur-containing amino acids, METHIONINE and CYSTEINE, which function as essential protein building blocks. Proteins that require large amounts of these amino acids occur in hair, nails and skin, whose toughness is largely due to strands of keratin, a protein that contains 6% sulfur. In proteins cysteine often links up with an adjacent cysteine unit to yield CYSTINE, an important structural crosslink in many proteins.

The oxidized (inorganic) form of sulfur is sulfate. Dietary sulfate is poorly absorbed. Instead sulfate is produced in the body primarily by oxidation of the sulfur-containing amino acids. There is no Recommended Dietary Allowance for sulfur or its derivatives. Methionine is an essential amino acid, which is converted to cysteine by the body. Thus cysteine is not a dietary essential amino acid when the diet supplies adequate methionine. The sulfur content of most animal proteins varies from 0.4 to 1.6%. Good sources of sulfur-containing amino acids include eggs, cheese, meat, poultry, nuts and legumes.

The liver uses sulfate to process waste materials. It adds sulfate to a variety of foreign compounds and metabolic end products to inactivate them and to increase their water solubility to help flush them out of the body. For example, the industrial chemical phenol is excreted as phenol sulfate, and the hormone progesterone is excreted as progesterone sulfate.

Sulfate is a component of glycosaminoglycans (mucopolysaccharides) such as chondroitin sulfate which is an important component of cartilage, bone, tendons and the walls of blood vessels. These polysaccharide molecules are long chains of sulfated carbohydrate derivatives, such as heparin, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate that also provide slippery surfaces, a resilient framework in the connective tissue, and a lubricant for joints and other surfaces of the body. Sulfur occurs in coenzyme A; the enzyme helper derived from the B vitamin pantothenic acid and cysteine, which assists in the burning of fat and carbohydrate in energy metabolism. Cysteine is a constituent of glutathione, a predominant cellular antioxidant that protects cell membranes against oxidative damage. Cysteine is metabolized to taurine, an important sulfur compound that helps regulate nerves and muscles. Sulfur also appears in the B vitamins, thiamin and biotin.

Another form of sulfur occurs frequently in the diet in an inorganic form known as sulfites, a common food preservative. This form of sulfur, as with all inorganic, water non-soluble forms of sulfur is not a nutrient. It is believed to be broken down by an enzyme called sulfite oxidase, which requires the trace mineral nutrient molybdenum for activity. Sulfites can trigger asthma and food and chemical sensitivities in some people.

NOTE: I have observed that most people who are sensitive to the sulfates and sulfites can become non-sensitive to these forms of sulfur if they supplement their diets with a source of water-soluble sulfur like MSM (methyl-sulfonylmethane). Sulfur Metabolism Key to Detoxification of Allergens. See MSM below.

Other Sulfur-Containing Molecules

Hemoglobin, cytochromes, coenzyme A, coenzyme M, lipoic acid, S-adenosylmethionine, glutathione, heparin, and penicillin G all contain S. Hemoglobin is an oxygen carrier and the cytochromes are used in electron transport. Coenzyme A serves as a carrier of acyl groups in enzymatic reactions of fatty acid oxidation and pyruvate oxidation, and is involved in the acylation of choline to form acetylcholine. Coenzyme M is essential for growth of a strain (Methanobacterium ruminatum) of methane-producing bacteria (McBride and Wolfe, 1971). Coenzyme M is a 2-mercaptoethane-sulfonic acid, (HS-CH2-CH2-S03) required to form methane from methylcobalamin (Taylor and Wolfe, 1974).

Lipoic acid is a coenzyme involved in the decarboxylation of pyruvic acid and other keto acids. S-adenosylmethionine is a methylating agent in the synthesis of methyl-containing substances such as N-methyl nicotinamide, creatine, choline, epinephrine, anserine, and glycocyarnine. Glutathione participates in the maintenance of proper redox potentials in cells. Heparin is a blood anticoagulant and penicillin is an antibiotic.

Hormones and Vitamins.

Sulfur amino acids are prominent structural features of some hormones. Insulin has disulfide bonds both within and between each of its two-polypeptide chains. Oxytocin has a disulfide linkage between cysteine residues, which helps form an internal ring structure. Sulfur is a part of the vitamins thiamin and biotin. Thiamin pyrophosphate participates as a coenzyme in the decarboxylation of both alpha-ketoglutarate and pyruvate, and in transketolase reactions. Biotin participates in the metabolism of aspartic acid, in the decarboxylation of oxalacetic, oxalosuccinic, and succinic acids, and is required for carbon dioxide fixation in microbes.


Sulfur, an indispensable element in human nutrition, binds with a variety of toxicants through sulfur conjugation, a major detoxification pathway in the body. Undetoxified xenobiotics and metabolites have been related to some allergic illness. Proper sulfur oxidation requires molybdenum for enzyme activation and adequate levels of dietary sulfur to supply the detoxification pathway. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), a natural dietary sulfur compound, provides bioavailable sulfur that binds toxins and exerts direct beneficial effect in enhancing their elimination from the body.

Sulfur is a vital, though often overlooked, major mineral element in human metabolism. Through the formation of disulfide bonds, sulfur is responsible for the proper conformation of body proteins, thereby holding connective tissue together and maintaining the three dimensional structure required for the action of enzymes, antibodies and hormones. Intracellular sulfhydryl (thiol) groups are vital for the catalytic function of numerous body enzymes. A constant intake of assimilable sulfur is needed by the body to perform these functions.

Sulfur-containing compounds are present in all body cells. Those of primary importance in nutrition and metabolism include the amino acids methionine and cysteine, homocysteine, cystathionine, S-adenosylmethionine, taurine, chondroitin, fibrinogen, heparin, metallothionein, biotin, thiamine, lipoic acid, coenzyme A, glutathione, and inorganic sulfate.

Sulfation: A Major Detoxification Pathway. One of the body’s major detoxification pathways is through sulfur conjugation. Sulfur combines with a variety of toxicants, producing inactive metabolites which are then excreted. For example, xenobiotics such as phenol are excreted as phenol sulfate after conjugation with sulfur. Sulfate conjugation is also a normal excretory pathway for certain endogenous metabolites, such as progesterone which is excreted as progesterone sulfate.

If sulfate conjugation is defective, it is possible that symptoms or even illness might result from an overburden of unconjugated, or undetoxified, metabolites and/or xenobiotics, particularly if the xenobiotic load is heavy. A significant percentage of asthmatic childeren are found to be “”sulfite sensitive”” in one study of chronic childhood asthma. The sensitivity was related to an apparently defective ability to metabolize sulfite fully into sulfate. Normally, endogenously produced or ingested sulfite is oxidized to sulfate prior to excretion.

It has been speculated that if sulfate is underproduced, the sulfate-conjugation pathway may be inadequately supplied so that illness might well ensue. In fact, authors Jonathan Wright, M.D. and Ken Littleton found defective sulfur oxidation in nearly all “”universal reactors,”” and in the large majority (over 85%) of those highly allergic to foods and/or inhalants and/or chemicals.

Sulfur-Conjugating Enzyme Insufficiency. Proper sulfur oxidation is an enzymatically-dependent process. Sulfate is produced from sulfite through an enzymatic reaction involving sulfite oxidase, a molybdenum-dependent enzyme. Activation of sulfite oxidase with molybdenum has been demonstrated in sulfite-sensitive individuals. Urinary sulfite output declined accompanied by a reduction in symptoms in molybdenum-treated individuals. The symptomatic clearing and decline in urinary sulfite was also accompanied by a distinct increase in the percentage of organic sulfate.

Ensuring adequate dietary molybdenum may thus play an important role in preventing an insufficiency of sulfur-conjugating enzymes. This in turn would help ensure the production of sulfate from sulfite so that adequate amounts of sulfate might be available to help supply the sulfur conjugation detoxification pathway. Ensuring adequate supplies of bioavailable sulfur compounds directly through dietary sources is, of course, also necessary to support this important detoxification method.

Shortages of Dietary Sulfur Common. Inadequate amounts of the sulfur-containing amino acids, methionine and cysteine, in our food supply has long been acknowledged by nutritionists. All other nutritionally important sulfur compounds can be biosynthesized from these compounds. Organic sulfides, sulfonium salts, and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), can provide sulfur to cysteine and methionine. Sulfur labeled MSM has been found to be incorporated into protein cysteine residues throughout the body. Thus MSM can serve as a valuable dietary source of sulfur.

MSM – Water Soluble Sulfur

MSM is a natural form of organic sulfur found in all living organisms. Present in low concentrations in body fluids and tissues, it is found in a variety of fresh foods including most fruits and vegetables, milk, and some grains. Although present in most unprocessed foods, MSM is readily lost due to its volatile nature. Unless the diet is composed of primarily raw foods, it is unlikely that sufficient MSM will be ingested to significantly contribute to the nutritional sulfur requirement. Ingestion of supplemental sources of MSM can serve as a normal dietary source of sulfur.

MSM: Valuable Dietary Sulfur Source, DMSO Metabolite. The development of MSM as a dietary supplement stemmed from research on DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide). MSM is a stable, direct metabolite of DMSO, also known as DMSO2. It is likely responsible for many of the biological effects of DMSO and possesses certain additional biomedical properties, without any toxicity or odor. MSM, like DMSO, enhances urinary taurine secretion produced by aromatic hydrocarbons and neutralizes the toxicity of anti-cholinesterases present in certain insecticides.

Oral preparations of MSM have been useful in supporting normal sulfur metabolism and detoxification pathways.

MSM and Allergens. MSM can provide a readily available source of sulfur needed for deactivation of inhalant, ingestant, contact, and infectant allergens.

Environmental Allergens: Environmental materials such as pollen, house dust, wool, animal hair, feathers, and other diverse substances can provoke allergy symptoms in susceptible individuals. Symptoms range from respiratory congestion to inflammation, itching, mucoid discharges, and general discomfort. MSM can significantly enhance the body’s sulfur detoxification pathway, which is critical in avoiding the undesirable effects of such substances.

Food and Drug Allergens: Individuals who manifest allergic response to drugs, including aspirin, non-steroidal anti-arthritic agents (Indocin, Motrin) and oral antibiotics, as well as those who are mildly to severely allergic to various foods, such as cereals, shrimp, and other seafood, milk, etc., also depend on sulfur to help the liver clear these substances from the body. Thus, a major application of MSM is to help ensure adequate sulfur for enhancing the normal metabolism and clearing of orally ingested drugs, foods, beverages and other substances which are irritants for individuals sensitive to these substances.

The Dual Role of MSM in Supporting Detoxification. MSM can thus assist the body in responding to allergic challenges in two ways. It provides an easily assimilated and readily available organic form of sulfur to ensure adequate supplies for the sulfur conjugation pathway that detoxifies xenobiotics and certain metabolites. Undetoxified xenobiotics and metabolites are thought to relate to some allergic illnesses. MSM sulfur, by binding foreign and toxic substances, produces inactive metabolites which can then be excreted from the body.

MSM also appears to exert a direct beneficial effect in exposed tissues. The methylsulfonyl group appears to bind to mucosal surfaces of the respiratory and digestive tract, thereby occupying the binding site that the challenging allergen would have otherwise used to bind itself.

Providing a source of molybdenum concurrent with supplementary MSM is recommended to help ensure that activation of sulfur-conjugating enzymes occurs so that ingested inorganic or endogenously produced sulfites can be properly metabolized to sulfates.

The amount of MSM needed to support sulfur metabolism and detoxification pathways varies between individuals. Amounts ranging from one to 10 grams per day have been used to provide a consistent, daily supply of bioavailable sulfur.

Methyl-sulfonylmethane (MSM)

DESCRIPTION: (CH3)2SO2. A white, odorless, crystalline solid. Very soluble in water at 37ø C. Molecular weight 94 (34% elemental sulfur by weight). Provides bioavailable dietary sulfur and is useful as a safe nutritional supplement.

USAGE: The recommended maintenance dose of MSM is 500 – 3000 mg per day. Up to ten grams per day per have been used for initial starting or loading doses. The amount of MSM in each dose is not critical. The effective dosage may vary between individuals. Single doses are usually not effective. MSM is usually administered periodically throughout the day and on successive days. Noticeable results are usually seen within 2 to 21 days. A maintenance dosage should be employed after initial benefits are obtained to ensure an adequate, ongoing daily supply of bioavailable sulfur.

ADVERSE REACTIONS: MSM appears to be inert in tissues and body fluids, except for its beneficial, inhibitory effect on cross-linking of collagen and proteins, thereby reducing hardening of skin and connective tissue. Because of its inert nature, MSM is nonallergenic, nonpyretic, and has no interfering or undesirable pharmacological effects. It has even been used as a safe blood diluent. Extremely high doses in animal studies produced no adverse results.


M S M (Methyl-sulfonylmethane)

United States Patent [19][11] Patent Number: 41559,329
Herschler[451 Date of Patent: Dec. 17, 1985
[54] DIETARY AND PHARMACEUTICAL USES OF METHYL-SULFONYLMETHANE AND COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING IT(51] Int. C1.4 . A61K 31/42; A61K 31/43; A61K 31/44; A61K 31/135; A61K 31/605; A61K 31/10; A61K 31/19; A61K 31/34; A61K 31/40
[76] Inventor: Robert J. HerschIer, 3080 NW. 8th Ave., Camas, Wash. 98607

[21] Appl. No: 601.771

(22] PCT Filed: Sep. 13,1983[52] U.S. Cl . 514/164; 514/199; 514/357; 514/372; 514/420; 514/474; 514/557;514/652;514/708[581 Field of Search. 424/337, 230; 514/164, 514/199, 357, 372, 420, 474, 557, 652, 708

Primary Examiner-Stanley J. Friedman

Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Mill1en & White

[86] PCT No.: PCT/US83/01396[57] ABSTRACT
k_prDate: Apr. 17, 1984Methylsulfonylmethane (CH3SO2CH3) administered orally is effective in ameliorating the symptoms of gastrointestinal upset, e.g., produced by the ingestion of aspirin and other pharmaceuticals, and of allergic reactions. Oral compositions containing a mixture of such a pharmaceutical and methylsulfonylmethane are useful in avoiding the gastrointestinal upset which otherwise occurs when ingesting the former
102(e) Date: Apr. 17, 1984
Related U.S. Application Data
[60] Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 418,110, Sep. 14,1982, and a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 277,592, Jun. 2619 8 1, Pat. No. 4,477,469, which is a division of Ser. No. 71,068, Aug. 30, 1979, Pat. No. 4,296,130.11 Claims, No Drawings


This is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser.No. 418,110, filed Sept. 14,198Z, and Ser. No. 277,592,filed June 26, 1981 U.S. Pat- No. 4,477,469 which is adivision of Ser. No. 071,068, fled Aug. 30, 1979, nowU.S. Pat. No. 4,296,130.


This invention relates to methods for the use of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) to normalize body functions in subjects displaying symptoms of physiological I response to stress, specifically gastrointestinal upset, inflammation of the mucous membranes and allergic reactions and to pharmaceutical compositions for use theretath0D

In my prior U.S. Pat. No. 4,296,130, 1 disclose compositions containing MSM to soften, smooth, lubricate and preserve the pliancy of human tissue, for reducing the brittleness of finger and toe nails. I disclose therein that MSM is a naturally occurring substance found in the tissue and body fluids of higher animals. I disclose in that patent that MSM is substantially inert to the chemistry of the body and, because of its extremely low toxicity and inertness to the diverse chemical reactions involved in the processes of life, it can be used as a diluent for blood. The ingestion of oral compositions is disclosed therein to preserve the pliancy of intestinal and other tissue.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,296,104 discloses DMSO compositions which optionally can contain a protein modifying agent, such as MSM. U.S. Pat. No. 4,112,946 discloses the use of an aqueous solvent system comprising MSM in a process for the introduction of a health-modifying agent into water-living animals as an osmotic factor.

J. J. Kocsis et al., Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci. 243, 104-109, (1975), cite literature which report that MSM, a known metabolite of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), persists for as long as three weeks after percutaneous application in man and one week after i.v. administration. The authors report that MSM, like DMSO, enhances urinary taurine secretion produced by aromatic hydrocarbons in man; antagonizes the lethal effects of anticholinesterases such as paraoxon, tetraethyl pyrophosphate and octamethyl pyrophosphoramide; lowers the body temperature of rats exposed to 5 degrees C. temperature; and reduces motor activity (when administered i.p.). Kulshestha et al., 5 C.A. 83; 22910n (1975) report that MSM Inhibits L citrovorum at 10 ppm except early in incubation. MSM occurs naturally in a variety of fruits, vegetables and vegetable products, grains in at least trace amounts (less than or equal to 3.3 ppm). T. W. Pearson et al., C.A. 95:113654w 5 (1981). It is present in small amounts in normal urine. Williams et al., Archs. Biochem. Biophys. 1966, 113, 251-252. The following Chemical Abstracts refer to the biological aspects of MSM: as DMSO metabolite, in cattle, 83:183a; Escherichia coli inhibition by, 83:72577e; nervous system depression by, 84:173608a; Salmonella typhimurium inhibition by, 82:71; of urine, as DMSO metabolite, 77:96734f; alk. phosphatase activity of, 67:115529e; antimicrobial activity of, 73:63515h; enzymes of liver in response to, 75:108136m; of urine, 75:86025v; heart response to, 74-.2429y; lung constrictivity activity of, 62:9634f; in tissue culture protection against X-rays, 58:9391e; toxicity of, 63:8915b; toxicity of, ETOH and, 64:7229h; in urine after administration of, 65:17537g; in urine of humans, 64:10170g; and in urine as DMSO metabolite, 64:7213a; 65-.17535b.

I have now found that notwithstanding the fact that MSM is omnipotent in body fluids and is so non-toxic that it can be used as a diluent for blood without upsetting the blood chemistry. MSM is an ameliorating agent for a variety of pathological conditions when administered systemically and preferably orally to persons displaying symptoms of physiological response to stress, e.g., gastrointestinal distress, and inflammation of the mucous membranes and allergic reactions.

In particular, I have found that when those stress response symptoms include gastrointestinal upset, e.g., diarrhea, constipation, nausea, hyperacidity and/or epigastric pain, or inflammation of the mucous membrane, especially of the gastrointestinal and/or respiratory tract, dramatic relief from those symptoms can be achieved by the oral ingestion of MSM. I have also found that the oral ingestion of MSM can be beneficial in treating variety of other conditions that one would not expect to be responsive to MSM. Accordingly, it is an object of this invention to provide a method for the amelioration of physiological symptoms of stress employing MSM.

Another object is the provision of pharmaceutical compositions comprising a stress-inducing physiologically acceptable pharmaceutically active agent and a stress-relieving amount of MSM.

Other objects will be apparent to those skilled in the art to which this invention pertains.


In a method of use aspect, this invention relates to a method for normalizing body functions of a patient displaying symptoms of physiological response to stress which comprises orally administering to the patient an amount of MSM effective to ameliorate those symptoms, especially to patients manifesting at least one of gastrointestinal upset and inflammation of the mucous membrane.

In another method of use aspect, this invention comprises administering to a patient manifesting symptoms of an allergic response, an amount of MSM effective to ameliorate those symptoms.

In a composition aspect, this invention relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising an admixture of a stress-inducing but otherwise physiologically acceptable pharmaceutically active agent, e.g., one whose side effects includes gastrointestinal upset in persons ingesting that agent, and a stress-relieving amount of MSM, e.g., an amount effective to ameliorate the gastrointestinal upset.


A single oral dose of MSM is usually not effective to ameliorate the aforesaid symptoms. Therefore, the MSM is usually administered in successive spaced dosages, either periodically throughout the day or on successive days, or both, until such amelioration occurs, e.g., for 2 to 21 days or even longer. The amount of MSM in each dose usually is not critical, particularly when several successive doses are administered, because the ingested MSM accumulates in the body tissues and fluids, i.e., reaches an effective titre. Individual doses of as low as 50 mg. are sometimes effective and doses as high as 1,500 mg. or more are well tolerated. The usual individual dose is about 100-1,000 mg., preferably 250-500mg. Total daily dosages of 100-5,000 mg., preferably 250-2,000 mg., more preferably 500-1,500 mg., are usually employed. The effective dosage depends to some extent on the nature and severity of symptoms manifested; the cause of those symptoms; and the MSM blood level of the patient prior to the administration of the MSM thereto. It appears that healthy persons may have MSM blood levels of at least 1 ppm and patients displaying the aforesaid symptoms often have depressed MSM blood levels. Desirably, enough MSM is administered to raise blood levels to above 0.5 ppm and preferably at least 1 ppm, e.g., to as high as 10-20 ppm. However, blood sampling for MSM content ordinarily is not required because the oral ingestion of amounts of MSM in excess of that required to elevate MSM blood levels is not harmful because of the non-toxic nature of MSM.

The MSM can be administered orally in any convenient manner, e.g., by ingesting the crystalline MSM or an aqueous solution thereof. Preferably, the MSM is administered in unit dosage form, e.g., as a tablet, capsule, dragee or pill, as such or in admixture with the usual pharmaceutically acceptable excipients, diluents, tableting aids, etc. Tablets and capsules are available, especially those containing from 100 mg. to 500 mg. MSM each.

Although human beings are the preferred patients, other mammals, e.g., domestic animals such as horses, cows, sheep and pigs, pets, e.g., cats and dogs, and wild animals kept in zoos, can be treated according to this invention. Both small children and adults, including geriatric patients, can be successfully treated.
Because MSM is naturally present in the body fluids and tissues of most if not all normal mammals, its mechanism of treating the physiological symptoms of stress appear to be less than that of a drug and more like a dietary supplement, such as is achieved with large dosages of vitamins. Although MSM has not yet been established to be a vitamin, at least a vitamin deficiency type disease has not yet been shown to occur in patients with abnormally low MSM blood levels, it does have a vitamin-like moderating or normalizing activity for various body functions, as there appears to be a high correlation between abnormal physiological symptoms and low MSM blood levels in human beings. Whether this is due to the inability of such individuals to adequately store MSM from natural sources thereof, to inadequate amounts of MSM in the diet of those individuals or to the depletion of the MSM usually present in the body as a result of the abnormal condition, is not known. Whatever the reason, the oral ingestion of MSM in sufficient amounts will ultimately bring MSM levels to or above those usually present in healthy mammals and will ameliorate a variety of symptoms associated with stress.

Like vitamin C, glucose and other substances normally present in vertebrate diets, MSM exhibits remarkably low acute and chronic toxicity in the host’s diet. Primates with high MSM blood levels for up to two years lack evidence of MSM toxicity.

Although MSM is found as a natural constituent of foodstuffs, like vitamin D the principal supply in vertebrates is believed to be synthesized by the body using dimethyl sulfide or one of its naturally occurring precursor salts as commonly found in meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. Too low a body concentration of MSM results adverse physical and psychological stress, tissue and organ malfunction, fatigue and increased susceptibility to diseases.

Based on the excretion rate from young compared with older animals, MSM appears to be found in lowering concentrations with increasing age. Generally there is less than 0.5 ppm in the humoral fluid. In the blood of adult man, the level of MSM detected by gas chromatography techniques can be less than 0.25 ppm. This may explain why MSM has proved generally more useful as a dietary supplement with adults, in whom naturally occurring levels of MSM, as in other vertebrates, generally are lower than optimum for providing optimum protection of the organism from stress challenge, because a conventional balanced diet cannot supply the minimum requirement for optimum health. For example, milk, one natural source of MSM, contains only about 2-5 ppm depending on the source. To obtain and retain a minimum blood level of MSM of about 1 ppm, a subject would be required to ingest an impractically large amount of this or any other natural food product. According to this invention, the diet of man and lower animals is supplemented with sufficient MSM, preferably daily, to at least maintain a body concentration of 1 ppm and, where health is threatened, a level of 10-20 ppm or higher.

Although this invention is directed primarily to MSM-containing pharmaceutical compositions adapted for oral ingestion, MSM has been demonstrated to be useful in other oral forms, e.g., mouth washes and toothpaste preparations, because of MSM’s chemical and light stability, low toxicity, good solvency, water solubility and dispersibility.

MSM, alone or in combination with an appropriate pharmaceutically active agent, has demonstrated usefulness when introduced into other body cavities, e.g., vaginally and rectally. MSM can be introduced into the lungs and bronchial tree as an aerosol of a solution thereof or as a sublimate produced by heating, which can be inhaled.

Surprisingly, parenteral injection does not appear to b2002 effective as other routes of administration.

MSM given at tolerated levels by intraperitoneal injection to mice infected with Plasmodium berghei did not alter the infection in any measurable manner. As a follow-up experiment, white rats were given 10 mg/100 g. body wt. i.p. and blood levels determined 1-hour post. MSM blood level was negligible (less than 0.25 ppm-blood level), suggesting that i.p. administered MSM is not absorbed, at least readily. This experiment suggests that i.p. administration of MSM is not a viable alternative, and again illustrates that minimum blood levels of 1 ppm are required if the body is to overcome an undesirable hazard.

The sources of stress which result in a physiological response thereto which comprise one or more of gastrointestinal upset, inflammation of the mucous membrane and allergic reactions, are highly diverse. Although MSM may not necessarily eliminate the underlying physiological condition which provokes these symptoms, by ameliorating the symptoms permits more rapid return to normalcy. Examples of sources of stress which provoke such a physiological response thereto are parasitical, microbial and fungal infections, ingested pharmaceutical drugs, e.g., aspirin and other analgesics, antibiotics, and numerous other drugs whose gastrointestinal side effects include one or more of nausea, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, hyperacidity, gastric pain and flatulence; inflammation of the lungs, e.g., from smoking, respiratory infection, chronic lung ailments or allergies; allergic reactions, e.g., respiratory congestion, skin rash, hives and gastrointestinal upset, to food, drugs and environmental materials, e.g., house dust, pollen, wool, animal hair, feathers and other diverse allergens, and insect bites.

Allergy is an abnormal tissue reaction to allergen challenge in both man and lower animals. It is a particular problem in man with allergic problems affecting about 15% of the world’s population. A much larger percentage experience low-level allergy, i.e., below that considered debilitating, yet reductive of optimum health. The environment of primitive man contained many allergens causing abnormal tissue responses. Today’s population exposed to a more hazardous environment is targeted with many more allergen challenges. MSM has a broad and profound beneficial effect in ameliorating diverse allergic responses.

MSM, taken at levels of about 50-1,000 mg/day in the diet ameliorates allergic reaction to inhalant, ingestant, contact and infectant allergens. MSM has been shown to be a favorable normalizing moderator of injected allergens as well. Subjects find a direct correlation between systemic concentration of MSM and resistance to allergens.

MSM does not necessarily totally eliminate the allergic response against allergens. However, in such cases, the degree of relief can be enhanced by conventional anti-allergy medication, whose effect is ordinarily manifested at lower levels of administration when taken with MSM than when administered alone.

MSM can be administered in any convenient form adapted for oral ingestion, for example, solid unit dosage form, e.g., tablets, capsules, dragees and pills; as a liquid solution, e.g., elixirs and syrups, or in particulate solid form, e.g., granules, crystals or powders. Since MSM has an additive flavor or flavor enhancing property, e.g., for chocolate, soy sauce, salt, sweet vermouth and other alcoholic beverages, carbonated cola beverages, rye bread and other baked goods, it can be included in condiments and admixed or co-crystallized with NaCl or other particulate flavorings and condiments. MSM can also be safely administered by intravenous or parenteral injection. Additional benefits are seen when MSM is provided in combination with the water-soluble vitamins.

In one embodiment of this invention, the MSM is provided as a mixture of a gastrointestinal upset-promoting physiologically acceptable pharmaceutically active agent and a gastrointestinal upset-ameliorating effective amount of methylsulfonylmethane. Such mixtures are preferably adapted for oral ingestion, e.g., tablets, capsules, dragees or pills, and preferably contain about 100 to 1,000 mg. MSM, more preferably from 250 to 500 mg., per solid or fluid unit dosage. The gastrointestinal upset-inducing agent is preferably an analgesic, e.g., aspirin. For a listing of pharmaceutical drugs whose side effects include gastrointestinal upset, e.g., nausea, diarrhea, constipation, hyperacidity, and/or flatulence, see the 1982 Edition of the Physician’s Desk Reference, whose disclosure is incorporated herein by reference.

In addition to aspirin and other analgesics, specific examples of other drug classes whose gastrointestinal side-effects are ameliorated by the concurrent ingestion of MSM are antineoplastics, anti-inflammatories, cardiovascular, antibiotics and other chemo-theropentants for microbial diseases.

As stated above, MSM also manifests beneficial effects in other diverse situations where such an effect would not be expected. The following are illustrations of such beneficial effects.

Oral Hygiene: Subjects not having professional dental cleaning for at least four-six months and demonstrating minor yet discernable gum inflammation, probably due to plaque irritation, were given either a paste or powder prepared by combining commercial dental products with MSM on a 50/50 w/w basis. Subjects used one or the other to cleanse their teeth on twice daily regimen. Following one-week use, the oral mucosa was free of signs of inflammation. One subject (T.K. M 22) troubled with recurring canker sores reported freedom from this problem during and after the one month testing was terminated. MSM, a dispersant in aqueous media, was shown to be an excellent agent alone or as an additive in combinations for the cleansing of teeth and the buccal cavity.

Bad breath associated with smoking or food, such as onion and garlic, is reduced or eliminated by cleansing the teeth and mouth with an MSM-containing preparation. Subjects of this test with a viscid mucoid nasopharyngeal discharge experience a reduction in the viscosity of the mucous and generally a productive cough. Interestingly, two subjects with a restricted sense of smell found a sharpening of this sense while MSM was being evaluated by them in a gargle. Critical observers noted their sense of taste was improved.

Maintenance of Good Health: 14 subjects of both sexes, all in apparent good health, ages 33-59, were given oral MSM in amounts ranging from 250 to 500 mg. daily which maintained blood level above 1 ppm. These individuals were continued on MSM, taken as a solution in orange juice for periods of from about seven months to over one year. None of the 14 became ill during this testing and each reported feeling better and stronger with increased endurance while MSM was a part of their diet.

Connective Tissue and Dermatological Disorders: Primary and secondary pruritis, acne (including Grade 4), acne rosacea and diverse other dermatological problems which are often allergy related respond favorably to a diet supplemented with MSM. Pruritis due to various causes and acne respond promptly to diet supplemented levels of about 100-1,000 mg. per day. Teenagers found MSM in cola drinks a particularly acceptable satisfactory combination when treating acne. With rosacea, visual improvement was much slower. In one subject (J.H., F 51) daily ingestion of 500 mg. MSM for at least several weeks was required before telangiectasis diminished

Inflammation of the Eye: A 15% solution of MSM in isotonic sali,was evaluated and found to be a soothing treatment for the eye following accidental injury due to particulate matter in the eye as dust or pollen. A rabbit eye irritated with aqueous sodium lauryl sulfate, quickly cleared when treated every hour with a 10% aqueous solution of MSM.

Pain Associated With Systemic Inflammatory Disorders: Individuals presenting signs and symptoms of pain and inflammation associated with various musculoskeletal system disorders reported substantial and long lasting relief while including from about 100 up to about 5,000 mg. of MSM per day in their daily diet. Most, trying first MSM alone, then a combination with ascorbic acid reported greater benefit with the combination. The combination of MSM with ascorbic acid was seen to be particularly useful in correcting night leg cramps. Migraine suffers have obtained substantial relief at oral doses levels of 50-500 mg/day.

As a specific example, one subject (M.P., F 81) presented chronic arthritis with painful involvement of the lower trunk. Over the years she had evaluated most new anti-arthritic, analgesic drugs with disappointing results. She included MSM at 11 tsp. daily in her diet and found almost total pain relief by the end of the second week. After ingesting MSM daily at 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. for about 16 months, the subject is enjoying a substantially pain free life.

Mental Normalcy: In man mental normalcy is demonstrated by alertness with an inner calmness which is not subject to sharp swings in mood change. Individuals on MSM generally report increased alertness, a plateau of mood changes, and particularly very infrequent depression. A few subjects on medication intermittently for depression observed that MSM relieved depression within hours rather than days, as had been their prior experience with anti-depression medication. Students report that while taking MSM, their ability to concentrate is enhanced. MSM therefore is useful in conjunction with CNS therapeutants. The most useful application for MSM seen to date in the field of mental normalizing is as an aid to the terminally ill, to relieve anxiety and depression.

Wound Healing: Four sets of 5 hamsters were subject to scarification of the right cheek pouch using standard methodology. One week prior to pouch injury, one set was started on a daily regimen of 0. 1 gm/kg of MSM in the diet, a second group was given 0. 1 gm/kg of MSM plus 100 mg. of ascorbic acid, a third group was given only 100 mg. of ascorbic acid, while the last group, fed on a standard hamster feed was held as control. Daily post-scarification examination was made to determine the rate of injury repair. At 36 hours, the animals receiving MSM plus vitamin C orally had sharply reduced inflammation about the wounds and prominent healing granulation. This baseline result was matched by day three with both MSM alone and vitamin C alone treated subjects. By day 4 and 5, controls (no medication) matched the healing status seen at 36 hours with those animals receiving the MSM/vitamin C combination.

Diet Supplement in Animals: Young laboratory animals, including dogs, consistently increased weight at a greater rate over controls where MSM was included in their water and/or food. This was observed at both low and high dosage levels. An explanation for this is that any minor allergic response from the diet was neutralized by including MSM therein. Additionally, the fur quality improved and somewhat faster nail growth was noted. Weight increases were not seen with adult animals during feeding experiments.

Parasite Infection (Enterobius): Laboratory mice determined by fecal cast examination to have pin worms were given 2% by wt. MSM in both their commercial feed and drinking water, ad lib. Examination 17 days after test initiation indicated the fecal cast were free of worms and eggs. The blood level of MSM in the one animal examined exceeded 30 ppm.

These examples of MSM’s ability in returning parasite susceptible tissue to normalcy where host injury is minimal or nil, illustrates that MSM in the diet aids in 6 overcoming varied microbial infections, not by attack on the organism, but by strengthening body resistance thereto

MSM antagonizes anticholinesterases in vivo and possesses weak in vitro antibacterial action, for example, against Escherichia coli, Leuconostoc citrovorum, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphlococcus aureus and Streptococcus thermophilus.

An evaluation of MSM as concurrent therapy with conventional anti-malaria drugs is indicated. Around one million humans die annually from this parasitic infection. Testing to date indicates that MSM is a useful adjunct with the therapeutic modalities used to combat adverse health problems by increasing a subject’s baseline resistance to adversity and moderating untoward effects associated with drugs, vaccines and physical assaults against illnesses as by radiation or hyperthermia.

Vascular Complications Associated With Diabetes: A subject (F.B., M 58), diagnosed to have diabetes mellitus 22 years earlier was seen with a serious vascular complication. Arteriosclerosis had decreased the arterial blood supply to the lower limbs resulting in chronically cold feet and intermittent claudication. In addition, the subject had suffered a bruise to the foot which was not healing. This subject received 500 mg. of MSM with 250 mg. of ascorbic acid twice daily over a period of 21days. The first observed improvement was the healing rate of the bruise. By the end of the third week, the cold foot problem was partially relieved and the subject was able to double his walking distance without undo tiring.

From the foregoing and the examples hereinafter, it can be seen that MSM is useful inter alia in the treatment of gastrointestinal upset, moderation of allergic responses, control of gut and urogenital infections, improving lung function,improving oral hygiene, for the treatment of pain syndrome, insect bites, wheal and flare moderation, hypertension, treatment of depression, acne and as a growth stimulant for animals and as a food flavor enhancer.

Without further elaboration, it is believed that one skilled in the art can, using the preceding description, utilize the present invention to its fullest extent. The following preferred specific embodiments are, therefore, to be construed as merely illustrative and not limitative of the remainder of the disclosure in any way whatsoever.

Acute Pain: MSM administered orally has proven useful in relieving acute pain in the mid-back region of an adult male caused by calculi obstructed ureter with a single 1.5 gm dose dissolved in warm water, and pain spasms in the lower abdomen region of an adult female resulting from an accidental blow to the abdomen (two I gm. doses in warm water at 4hour intervals).

Low Platelet Count: MSM administered orally raised the platelet count of an adult female with lupus Erythematosis from84,000 (after prednisone therapy) to 200,000 over a two-year period (1.5 gm/day in 3 doses).

Sun and Wind Burn: Persons ingesting from 0.5-2 gm/day of MSM suffered only mildly from about 4 hours exposure to summer sun and wind, whereas their companions were severely sun and wind burned.

Pleuritis: Bilateral fibrinous pleuritis developed in a breeding mare with a respiratory infection, which did not respond to six weeks of conventional antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy, responded favorably (normal breathing) after five days of MSM (2 X 12 gm/day in diet).

t.cB>Post-Athletic Activity Fatigue: The physical fatigue syndrome following intense athletic activity in competitive sports which usually persists for 8-10 days in athletes was gone in 2-3 days in individuals who had ingested MSM (from 1-2 gm/day in split dosages) for the preceding six months.

Tableting and Granulation Aid: Pharmaceutical compositions adapted for oral ingestion in the form of tablets, granules or free flowing powders and comprising a pharmaceutically active agent in admixture with an adjuvant, viz., a tableting aid, a granulating aid or a flow promoting agent, respectively, have improved properties when the adjuvant consists predominantly,essentially or totally of MSM. Time-release and release-rate modification of the pharmaceutically active agent from the composition to the patient can be achieved by its dispersion or dissolution in an MSM matrix. Other diluents and binders,when the composition is in filled capsule or tablet dosage form, which can be used in combination with the MSM, are colloidal or fumed silica, calcium carbonate and calcium mono-, di-and triphosphate.

MSM can be used as a dry granulation aid by forming a melt thereof with the pharmaceutically active agent uniformly dispersed or preferably dissolved therein; solidifying the melt; and breaking the resulted solid into granules, which can then be screened, or further reduced into a free flowing powder which can readily be compressed into tablets with superior physical properties, compared to those employing conventional tableting aids, especially when combined with 0.25 to 2% colloidal silica.

MSM is particularly useful as a granulation and tableting aid for pharmaceutically active agents which are unstable in the presence of moisture, i.e., which loose a portion or all of their activity upon storage in the presence of the 2% moisture required by conventional granulation and tableting aids in order to be operable. Therefore in a preferred embodiment, this invention relates to substantially anhydrous, i.e. less than I% by weight moisture content, mixtures of MSM and one or more pharmaceutically active agents which are storage unstable in the presence of moisture, e.g., vitamins,biological extracts, antibiotics, etc., preferably in the form of a free flowing powder, granules or tablets, dragees or pills.


So little is written on this compound that most people would be surprised to learn that sulfur is the fourth most plentiful mineral in the body. In fact, this macro mineral is found within every cell of the body. Unlike most minerals, sulfur is nonmetallic. As such, it is also organic, as opposed to inorganic. MSM, short for methylsulfonylmethane, is a nutrient form of sulfur found in many common foods, such as fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, milk, and eggs. Animal protein foods contain higher amounts of the compound, particularly eggs. One should note that proteins contain sulfur, while carbohydrates and fats do not.

Sulfur comprises about 0.25 percent of our body weight. Approximately half the body’s total sulfur content is contained within the muscles, while the other half is found in bones, skin, hair, and the brain. Sulfur is required for collagen synthesis; the insoluble, fibrous protein found in vertebrates as the primary constituent of connective tissue fibrils and bones. Sulfur also works as a synthesizer and activator with the B vitamins thiamine, biotin, and pantothenic acid, which are needed for metabolism and healthy nerves.

MSM is a normal metabolite, or byproduct, of dimethyl sulfoxide, otherwise known as DMSO. Two decades ago DMSO was the an alternative “”wonder drug”” that developed a strong following based almost solely on anecdotal evidence of its wide-spectrum health benefits. In order to better appreciate MSM, it helps to understand more about DMSO.

DMSO is actually a by-product itself of pulp and paper manufacturing. The therapeutic applications of DMSO were discovered accidentally by Stanley W. Jacob, M.D., Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Oregon Medical School, while in the process of securing a solvent for the purpose of freezing human kidneys. During the course of his search he discovered the drying effects of DMSO on skin, and his interest led him to further discoveries about the substance.

Laboratory studies revealed a remarkable quality of DMSO; it has the capability not only to pass through the skin and mucous membranes, but also during passage it carries with it a certain number of other substances. For instance, penicillin can be dissolved in DMSO and be carried through the skin without a needle. Local anesthetic can be carried the same way.

In these early studies, DMSO was shown to relieve pain, reduce swelling, slow the growth of bacteria, improve blood supply, soften scar tissue, enhance the effectiveness of other pharmacologic agents, act as a diuretic, and function as a muscle relaxant. It eliminated the pain of sprains, strains, and arthritis, and even the pain of broken bones. It became approved for animal use, but without decades and many dollars’ worth of human clinical trials, it couldn’t get FDA approval. Enter MSM, a derivative of DMSO.


Dr. Jacob continued with his investigation into DMSO, and discovered that, when heated, DMSO would crystallize”” and isolate 99.9 percent of the beneficial component MSM. While the two sulfur compounds are chemically similar, each is very unique. MSM is a pure, natural, stable, white crystalline powder without the unpleasant smell or taste of DMSO. MSM istuenrless and does not produce intestinal gas or body odor which can occur with other forms of sulfur. MSM is a dietary element that is today derived from raw foods, while DMSO is not.

The importance of sulfur to the human body cannot be overstated. It plays a part in tissue respiration, the process whereby oxygen and other substances are used to, build cells and release energy. Sulfur also helps to maintain overall body balance between acidity and alkalinity, and works with the liver to secrete bile. Excess sulfur is excreted in the urine and feces, rather than stored.

Sulfur helps keep skin, hair, and nails healthy. But perhaps, for general maintenance purposes, sulfur’s most important health role is in carbohydrate metabolism, which is critical for hypoglycemics and diabetics. Sulfur is a component of insulin, the protein hormone secreted by the pancreas that is essential to the metabolism of carbohydrates. A sulfur deficiency can result in low insulin production. A diet that contains adequate amounts of sulfur might increase the body’s ability to produce insulin to the point where insulin injections can be reduced.

As stated earlier, sulfur is required for the creation of collagen. It is also necessary for the conformation of body proteins through the formation of disulfide bonds (sulfhydryl groups of -S-S- ), which hold connective tissue together. In conjunction with vitamins and amino acids, MSM provides the body with the essential raw materials to create healthy new cells. Optimal health is dependent on maintaining the process for producing healthy and flexible cells. This flexibility is important.

Nerves that sense, pains are located mainly in the soft tissues of our bodies. Many types of pain can be attributed to pressure differential involving the cells that make up tissue. When outside pressure drops, cells inflate, and become inflamed. The nerves then register the inflammation and we experience symptoms of pain. Remember how Grandpa could predict weather changes because of pain he felt in his joints? Often, the contributing factor to this pain is the lack of flexibility and permeability in the fibrous tissue cells (Fibromyalgia). Use of MSM has been shown to restore flexibility to cell walls, while allowing fluids to pass through the tissue with less effort. This softens the tissue serves to equalize pressure, thereby reducing if not completely eradicating the cause of the pain.


Like its more potent counterpart DMSO, MSM helps relieve pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. In fact, in. an animal study on rheumatoid arthritis-like joint degeneration, the two were nearly equal in reducing joint inflammation, but MSM completely prevented any further breakdown of cartilage. According to Dr. Jacobs, MSM is very useful for most types of musculoskeletal pain and inflammation, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, tendentious, and gout.

Although there is some clinical evidence to support Dr. Jacobs’ contention that MSM helps arthritis sufferers, anecdotal evidence abounds. People suffering from this degenerative disorder report substantial and long-lasting relief while supplementing with MSM. This beneficial effect is due in part to the ability of the compound to sustain cell flow through, permitting harmful substances such as lactic acid, uric acid, toxins, etc., to flow out while allowing nutrients to flow in, thereby preventing pressure buildup in cells that causes inflammation in the joints and other areas such as the surrounding soft tissues.

Eyes can also benefit from MSM. Simply stated, the eye-ball consists of a protein membrane filled with fluids and nerves. Normally, optical tissuesuchmits fluids to flow through the membrane wall which acts like a filter, clean-ing out harmf meparticles, keeping your eyes clear and your vision good as it allows nutrients to permeate. But should the membranes become toughened, the fluids fail to flow properly and particles begin to accumulate. If this buildup continues, vision impaired, as if looking through frosted glass, a condition known as cataracts. Another condition that arises from toughened eye membranes is that they become inflexible, impairing the ability of eyes to focus properly and resulting in blurred vision. Evidence suggests that using a 10 to 15 percent MSM in isotonic saline soothes and softens the membranes, allowing fluids to again flow freely through the optical tissues to stabilize the pressure and repair any damage.

Allergic reactions to pollens can also be reduced with MSM supplementation. Although its mode of action remains unclear (NOTE: SEE BELOW), its effectiveness is remarkable, particularly when taken in higher doses in the evening.

Two serious, autoimmune diseases also seem to respond favorably to MSM supplementation. One is scleroderma (systemic sclerosis), a relatively, rare autoimmune disease affecting the blood vessels and connective tissue. The disease is characterized by fibrous degeneration of the connective tissue of the skin, lungs, and internal organs, especially the esophagus and kidneys. Jacob, who has served as the medical director for the Scleroderma International Foundation for over 25 years, found that both MSM and DMSO could ease symptoms. Both substances appear to normalize collagen formation.

The other autoimmune disease is lupus erythematosus, a chronic inflammatory disease affecting many systems of the body. It is characterized by severe vasculitis, renal involvement, and lesions of the skin and nervous system. According to Jacobs, MSM has quir shown helpful, clinically, in alleviating the symptoms of this debilitating disorder.

Clearly MSM offers a broad range of health benefits to the consumer. And because it is largely inert, nontoxic, and nonallergenic, the compound is safe. It should not be confused with sulfa, used in antibiotics and which many are allergic to, nor inorganic sulfur which is often used as a preservative and to which, again, many are allergic to.

DOCTOR’S NOTE: MSM is as important to every cell in the human body (or any animal’s body) as is Vitamin C. In fact if either of these two nutrients are lacking in the diet the body’s soft tissues will become congealed and turn to mush. This is why it is important to include extra Vitamin C when you take MSM.

It seems obvious to me that the mode of action of MSM, in this regard, is as it is for Vitamin C, that is, to form and build good quality collagen that makes up every tissue in the human body. MSM builds or re-builds the lining of the intestines. I have seen most cases of colitis clear up in 6 weeks. MSM helps to re-build the lining of the genitourinary tract. MSM helps to re-build the lining of the respiratory tract. Two-thirds of my musculoskeletal patients have been able to get off their allergy medications or drastically reduce the medication’s dosage.

With regard to autoimmune conditions, MSM is the safe and inexpensive treatment of choice. Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, Primary Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis are some of the autoimmune problems that MSM has helped and that modern medical science has failed to treat effectively. This is because these problems are nutritional in origin and cannot be treated successfully with drugs.

I further believe that with MSM as a source of water soluble sulfur we have the potential of preventing most cancers and even preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

ADDITIONALLY in another article:

MSM – The Organic Sulfur We Need

Organic substances are those that occur naturally on their own. Marine algae, sunlight and rainwater all work together to produce Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM), the non-toxic, non-allergenic organic sulfur that is present in all plant and animal life. The rain showers our earth with the organic sulfur compounds that are produced by the algae and plankton, where it is rapidly absorbed and used by plants.

When animals (including humans) eat these fresh, live plants, they are supplied with the essential sulfur mineral. MSM is found in raw fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood and milk, but it is extremely unstable and evaporates rapidly into the air. Modern farming techniques, along with excessive cooking, drying, storing and processing of our food quickly destroys any MSM that may remain. It is for this reason that it is virtually impossible to obtain adequate MSM amounts from our daily diet.

What MSM Can Do For You

Thousands of people confirm the positive, far-reaching benefits of MSM and they have scientific proof behind them. Stephen C. Mitchell, M.D., editor of Biological Interactions of Sulfur Compounds, says that the purifying and beneficial properties of sulfur have been known for millennia probably a quarter of pharmaceutical products presently used contain sulfur including penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics.

Imagine a wonder nutrient that could enhance your overall body relieve arthritic pain and stiffness, strengthen your nails, add sheen to your hair, soften and clear up your skin and control all of your allergies. Twenty-five years of scientific research has proven MSM to do just that and more. MSM supplements were given to many patients at the DMSO Clinic at Oregon Health Sciences University whom were suffering from a variety of painful conditions. The majority — more than 70% — experienced significant improvements. Over a dozen government patents have been issued regarding the wide-ranging uses of MSM. It is a safe, all-natural substance and has shown no adverse side effects! MSM is rated as having similar toxicity to water.

How MSM Relieves Pain

MSM relieves pain in a number of ways. It inhibits the pain impulses along a major nervous system network called C fibers, which relay pain messages from the site of damaged tissue to your brain. It reduces the characteristic signs of inflammation; the redness, heat, pain and swelling that put pressure on nerves, which causes pain. MSM also reduces the muscle spasms that often accompany pain. Plus, it promotes the healthy flow of blood, which enhances the healing process. In a clinical study performed by Stanley Jacob, M.D. that was reported in the International Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, 16 patients aged 55-78 with degenerative disease were given MSM supplements. After only 6 weeks, 15 patients showed an 82% improvement in symptoms! Dr. Jacob has currently successfully treated over 800 patients with MSM and adds more successes every day!

MSM mends some of the damage done by arthritic conditions. It has an equalizing effect on the pressure of the body’s cell walls, making them more supple and permeable. This allows for wastes to easily pass out of the cell and nutrients to be absorbed in. This stabilization helps support an overall healthier body.

Other Benefits

MSM acts at the level of the cause of various symptoms by strengthening the body’s natural cleansing ability. It goes straight to the cause of allergic reactions (a specific protein molecule that has infiltrated, the body and is perceived as being hostile) and softens the cell walls, allowing the allergens to be easily flushed out. It also coats the gastrointestinal tract, making it impossible for allergens to bond.

Softening the cell walls also softens the cells and tissues of the skin. This restores elasticity and suppleness to the skin, which helps keep you looking young. Toxins are then more easily flushed out without the need for a reaction from the skin to do so (such as acne and blemishes). MSM also returns burns and scar tissue to healthy skin. (NOTE: You can also dissolve MSM in water and incorporate this MSM solution into a cream or lotion and apply it directly to scars, etc., to restore the blemishes to normal.

MSM forms the disulfide bonds necessary to hold connective tissue together, thus supporting the manufacture of collagen, its main component. It also helps the body to form keratin, the tough, fibrous, resilient protein of which each individual strand of your hair has its own supply stored at the root. Boosting the supply of keratin is like feeding and nourishing your hair, making it softer, shinier and healthier.

Diabetes has also responded well to MSM supplementation. Sulfur is an important compound of insulin. Without sulfur, not enough insulin can be produced, which leads to excess blood sugar and diabetes.

MSM has been shown in many cases to help increase stamina and alertness in patients suffering from emphysema and lung tumors and ease breathing in asthmatics after only a few days. It has also been added to eye drops to soothe eye inflammation, redness, swelling and itching. The Oregon Health Sciences University used MSM in a 16% water solution and administered it to 35 people whom suffered from chronic snoring 15 minutes before they went to sleep. After one to four days of use, 80% showed a significant reduction in snoring.

MSM Enhancement

Many natural substances have been found to aid MSM in having a very positive and healing effect on the body. The use of MSM with Chondroitin Sulfate supplements help your body rebuild cartilage, which also relieves pain and stiffness. A randomized test on 40 patients with knee osteoarthritis whom were given 1 gram of Chondroitin S weite daily showed marked improvement by the eighth week of use.

Baker DH. Utilization of isomers and analogs of amino acids and other sulfur-containing compounds. Progress Food Nutr Sci 1986;10: 133-178.

Herschler RJ. Methylsulfonylmethane and methods of use. United States Patent 4,296, 130; October 20, 1981.

Herschler RJ. Dietary and pharmaceutical uses of methylsulfonylmethane and compositions comprising it. United States Patent 4,514,421; April 30, 1985.

Herschler RJ. Methylsulfonylmethane and compositions comprising it. United States Patent 4,616,039; October 7, 1986.

Jacob SW and Herschler R. Introductory remarks: dimethyl sulfoxide after 20 years. Ann NY Acad Sci 1983; 411:xxii-xvii.

Jacob SW. The current status of MSM in medicine. Am Acad Med Prev 1983; October 29, 1983 lecture and workshop.

Pearson TW, Dawson HJ, and Lackey HB. Natural occurring levels of dimethyl sulfoxide in selected fruits, vegetables, grains, and beverages. Am Chem Soc 1981.

Richmond VL. Incorporation of methylsulfonylmethane sulfur into guinea pig serum proteins. Life Sciences 1986; 39:263-268.

Wright J and Littleton K. Defects in sulphur metabolism. Intl Clin Nutr Rev 1989;9(3): 118-119.

Wright JV and Kirk FR. Defects in Sulphur Metabolism II: Apparent failure of sulphate conjugation. Intl Clin Nutr Rev 1989;9(4): 182-184.

M S M (Methyl-sulfonylmethane) 
United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 41559,329 Herschler [451 Date of Patent: Dec. 17, 1985

[54] DIETARY AND PHARMACEUTICAL USES (51] Int. C1. 4 . – A61K 31/42; A61K 31/43; OF METHYL-SULFONYLMETHANE AND A61K 31/44; A61K miscF135; A61K 31/605; COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING IT A61K 31/10; A61K 31/19; A61K 31/34; A61K 31/40

[76] Inventor: Robert J. HerschIer, 3080 NW. 8th [52] U.S. Cl . 514/164; 514/199; Ave., Camas, Wash. 98607 514/357; 514/372; 514/420; 514/474; 514/557 514/652;514/708

[21] Appl. No: 601.771 [581 Field of Search .. 424/337, 230; 514/164, 514/199, 357, 372, 420, 474, 557, 652, 708

(22] PCT Filed: Sep. 13,1983 Primary Examiner-Stanley J. Friedman Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Mill1en & White

[86] PCT No.: PCT/US83/01396 [57] ABSTRACT

? 371 Date: Apr. 17, 1984 Methylsulfonylmethane (CH3SO2CH3) administered orally is effective in ameliorating the symptoms of gas- – 102(e) Date: Apr. 17, 1984 trointestinal upset, e.g., produced by the ingestion of aspirin and other pharmaceuticals, and of allergic reac- tions. Oral compositions containing a mixture of such a pharmaceutical and methylsulfonylmethane are useful in avoiding the gastrointestinal upset which otherwise occurs when ingesting the former.

Related U.S. Application Data

[60] Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 418,110, Sep. 14,1982, and a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 277,592, Jun. 26: 19 8 1, Pat. No. 4,477,469, which is a division of Ser. No. 71,068, Aug. 30, 1979, Pat. No. 4,296,130. 11 Claims, No Drawings

This is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. 418,110, filed Sept. 14,198Z, and Ser. No. 277,592, filed June 26, 1981 U.S. Pat-No. 4,477,469 which is a division of Ser. No. 071,068, fled Aug. 30, 1979, now U.S. Pat. No. 4,296,130.